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marketing web

2018-09-23 00:00 / Par Minimal

8 web marketing trends to keep an eye on in 2018

The internet changes very quickly and we all don’t want to be left behind. In 2018, we can expect to see the following eight web marketing trends everywhere!


Why? Their audience is smaller, however their engagement rate is higher so the investment cost is lower, which is pretty awesome. Influence marketing enables one to counter the changes in the Facebook algorithm updates. Users and customers drive products’ sales: it’s for this exact reason that an increasing number of brands opt for the strategy of user-generated content on Instagram (like Frank and Oak, for example).

Vocal assistance

Around 20% of Google searches on Androids are made vocally. Voice searches and actions transform SEO: voice requests are longer, more precise, geolocalized and above all presented in forms of questions instead of keywords.

The resurrection of Linkedin

Buried for a long time (oopsie!), Linkedin is back on track. Updates have been brought to the platform this year providing room for new opportunities for sales. Multiple respected media sources (Financial Times, The Economist) now make use of the new video function to gather a niche audience. Also, the new group option enables interesting opportunities for online networking.

Videos forever

It was a marketing trend in 2016, 2017… and it still is in 2018! According to Facebook, 80% of their users prefer watching a video instead of reading an article. And it’s about time to invest in professional material: this year, there’s a necessity to put an end to bad quality videos.


Adios online buying and bonjour to the personalized experience! These include suggesting services, offering the possibility to create your own product, using names (hi… hello Starbucks!) … Everyform of strategy is good as long as makes the customer feel special.

The power of engagement

Is Facebook your main source of traffic for your website? Forget it. With all the changes brought to Facebook (them again!) this fall, everybody needs to review their content publication strategy. As we always say it: the quality of content broadcasted on social media is more important than the quantity. This year, the trend is to create content leading to strong user engagement. 2018 is the year of engagement!

Social selling

Nowadays, customers are easy to find – you just need to actually find them and engage in a discussion! Social networks have enabled 31% of B2B professionals to develop better relationships with their clients and finding multiple contracts. Join Facebook groups, be active on Linkedin, like some Instagram posts… Just reach out so people notice you!

Artificial intelligence

The last trend of 2018 is one that you probably interact with everyday:  artificial intelligence. For example, Messenger and website bots are used by numerous companies globally. In 2018, the trend is to make use of AI for a better analysis of the data of potential or acquired customers.

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